Obs digs

Use this space to post comments on your stay at our Observatory house, send photos and keep us up to date with news in your life. Henk and Althea

Thursday, April 20, 2006

sunset 20/04/06

sunset from our balcony -it was one of those " you had to be there" moments

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Nadine and Erol's Blog

Hey guys,

Check out the blog of our new housemates, Nadine and Erol. Some more funky photos also to be seen there!

Click here to see their blog

p.s. We still have a room free

Desperate "house -girls"

A whole day spent fantastically watching Desperate Housewives and eating popcorn and chocolate...what more could a girl want? From right to right to left Eva, Maria, Althea and Carynn.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lutz and the Asian superman

our crazy surfer med interns from Germany at Sarah's xmas party.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This is us...Henk and Althea

To those of you who know us...it was our 1st wedding anniversary on Friday 24 March. We took a little trip away to a 'dorpie' in the Cedarberg (Wuppertal- if you want to look it up). It is really worth visiting this place when you're in SA.
Thank you to all of you who supported us during this year!

Elodie's New Venture

Hey Guys,

Check out Elodie's new venture, tinfon.com.

It's a place that will hook up English teachers with students from around the world. It will soon also do other languages.

The nice thing is that the English lessons are given over the Internet, using Skype. So both the teacher and the student can be ANYWHERE in the world, as long as there's an internet connection!

The cool dude with the wacky 'bakkie' - Fabian

Maria...and Fabian's farewell

In the courtyard...Fabian's lovely partner in crime 'Bug' on the left. Our very bubbly (yes she was a champagne addict too) Eva on right. Two regulars bottom right Richard (the rock climbing man) and Sandy (the well traveled Scotsman)

Maria's farewell - November 2005

very blurry picture in our cosy kitchen. sharing a traditional 'braai' experience

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

About our house

Our Obs house is located in Bohemian Cape Town. We have five rooms which are mostly occupied by crazy foreigners doing medical internship, volunteer work or on holiday. So many peeps have come and gone that we decided to make a space to keep in contact and see whose new ... just maybe you know them. "It is a small world" as they say.